Body Parts In The Dialogue
We posted this on our Facebook page during the last Teacher Training; however, since not everyone is on Facebook, it seemed like a good...

Dialogue Nerds: Actions in the Dialogue
Once upon a time, in a land far, far away (i.e. back in November in the Facebook Group), Steve Guthrie asked: “Hey,...
Dialogue Flash Cards with Anki
Hi everyone, One of my favorite ways to review The Dialogue is by using the first letter of each word. For example, half moon pose starts...
This Is Your Long Journey
I did not learn to teach from love by coming through the front door. I wasn’t an enlightened soul looking for a yoga practice; I was beat...
Why Our Seminars Are Awesome
Hi, everyone, it's me, Steven (Lamppost). I usually leave the blog posts to Teri, but I think I am in a better position to tell you why...
I Wrote A Book!
You may have noticed I haven't written any blog posts recently. There is a good reason for that: I've been writing a book. For the last...
I Love Dialogue (continuously keep studying, don't stop studying)
I love Dialogue. Anyone who knows me knows I love a good Dialogue class. I love the way the Dialogue works with the body and the class as...
The First Thing The Students Have To Do Is Trust You
When a student trusts you as a teacher, they will follow you anywhere. How do we build trusting relationships with our students? By being...
Your Resources To Grow
After teaching a while you may wonder where do I go from here? What are my resources? How can I continue to grow as a Bikram Yoga...
Congratulations New Teachers (Now What?)
Congratulations to the new group of teachers graduating from teacher training. Welcome to the team. This is a great job, journey,...