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Happy People Who Teach From Love

If you have a testimonial about Teri you would like to share, please send it to us.

What People Are Saying...

Hundreds of Bikram teachers have had a great mentoring experience with Teri. Here's what a few of them have had to say:


"Teri's Teach from Love seminar for teachers is by far the best money I've spent on continuing education. Teri's knowledge of the Bikram dialogue - what it all means, how it works & why it works - is phenomenal! That combined with her love and understanding of anatomy, allows for a deeper understanding of these beautiful postures we practice, and also allows teachers to confidently teach students with limited and injured bodies. As a studio owner, I'm finding it easier to mentor my own teachers and help them be more confident and consistent in their teaching. One of my own teachers attended with me and her teaching is incredible. There is a confidence to it that wasn't there before and our students can feel it. Another one of my teachers is attending this Fall. 

Sign. Up. Now. You won't regret it."

-Kristin S.  Pennsylvania, USA TT Fall 2008

"From what I remember, my mentoring with Teri fell into my lap in very much like a no choice Indian marriage. I was a new teacher and she had recently opened her studio, and was still growing her yoga community. I was SO lucky to be in the right place at the right time! This was before Teach from Love officially existed, and Teri was just helping each of us one by one. Being a new teacher, I didn't know I needed a mentor because I didn't know what I didn't know. I thought I just needed to say the dialogue and the rest would follow. Teri helped me to understand the meaning of the dialogue so that I believed in it and could successfully teach from it for all the years to follow. I still get compliments on my excellent dialogue and I have Teri to thank for that! "When you know better, you do better." And since I know and understand the meaning behind the dialogue, I can effectively teach using it, almost effortlessly now. With Teri's extremely generous mentoring, I gained the confidence as a teacher (luckily for me as a NEW teacher!) to help everyone and anyone. I learned the goals of the postures, and how to help students feel successful and welcomed so that they'll come back again tomorrow. Teri helped me to build MY confidence, and now I can have confidence in my students, which eventually results in them having confidence in themselves and their practice. I can't recommend Teri's materials and mentoring enough. Whether it's her book, or webinars, seminars, however you can get the information. The more you know and the more you can help others, the more you will enjoy this work of teaching yoga. Thank you Mamma T for everything! We love you!"

-Liz T.  Austin, Texas TT Spring 2009


"I've taught a dozen or so classes since the seminar - oh my gosh, teaching is so much more joyful now! I have so much more love for my students, and they can feel it! [A teacher who was also at the seminar] took my class this morning and she said it was fantastic, she could hear and feel how the seminar has changed my teaching. I almost cried when she said that.  It's such powerful stuff. 


Thank you again, from the bottom of my heart, for the Teach from Love seminar. I think it should be renamed "Live from Love" because it's affected the rest of my life as well.  It is so much easier to maneuver through life from a place of love than indifference, without unecessary rules, assuming everyone is doing the best they can with the body and mind they have in that moment.  The lens through which I see things has changed. And for that, I thank you."

-Melanie D.  Alaska, USA TT Fall 2011


"So as you know, I went to Teri Almquist's Bikram yoga teacher retreat, and it was wonderful! I learned so much. It was everything we probably should have gotten at TT but didn't...and probably weren't ready for anyway.  We had two choices of yoga classes every day at Teri's studio and we also got to sit in the back of class and observe her teaching and take notes. Needless to say, every class I took or observed was like crack for the dialogue lover!

It was at a lovely old rambling retreat center in North Andover, Mass., and the food was delicious. Teri had rented a big white van to take us to classes so really no need for the car. I took class most days but did take a day off and there was no pressure. And I got plenty of sleep!

Many of Teri's students are practicing with long term issues like hip or knee replacements and she even had one student who can't walk doing the standing series in a chair. We learned how to help these students--without touching! The whole thing was so freaking amazing. I went with my boss and we are psyched to put our new skills into practice. It's all so logical and so RIGHT.

I hope you get a chance to go to one of Teri's retreats. I truly believe her retreats are the beginning of something big and could ultimately save the community of teachers who are looking for real leadership and direction from an intelligent and loving source."

-Mary Kate S. Pennsylvania, USA TT Spring 2012


"In August 2015, after nearly a couple of years teaching Bikram Yoga full time, I felt I was doing pretty well. My dialogue was strong, most students seemed to like my class and I’d been lucky enough to teach in half-a-dozen countries. But there were some aspects of my teaching that bothered me. Of course I felt I needed to understand the postures better – who doesn’t? – but more of an issue was my attitude towards teaching and my students.


I’m sure just about every teacher has felt frustrated with his or her students at some time: “why don’t you listen to me?” “why can’t you stay still in savasana?” “you know if you bring more water into class, you won’t have to leave the room for a refill?” etc. etc. Occasionally I had confrontations with students and I’m ashamed that there are probably a few people who will never return to a Bikram class because of me. While these confrontations were (mercifully) rare, the frustration was less so, weighing on my enthusiasm for teaching, slowing my development as a teacher. I only spent 4 days with Teri and Tom in Haverhill, but in those 4 days Teri helped me address these issues. And it didn’t hurt a bit!


Teri taught me that, as teachers, instead of walking a tight rope, scared of pushing too hard, scared of not pushing hard enough, we simply need to love our students. I laugh when I think of our conversation on this topic:

Me: "When you say ‘love your students’, do you really mean love them?”

TA: Yes.

Me: “Love is a big word. Do I actually have to love them?”

TA: Yes.

Me: "What about the annoying students?”

TA: Love them more. They don’t love themselves, so you’re going to love them until they do.

Me: "So you’re saying I need to love my students?"

TA: Yes.


The thing is, this stuff works, for the teacher and the students. I’ve had students come up to me after class and say they could hear me smiling the whole class. I’m relaxed about teaching, so my brain works better in the room. Since I love my students, I don’t expect anything from them, therefore I can’t get frustrated with them. Even better, my students are more open to trying the right way and working hard when I encourage them from a place of love rather than push them out of frustration.


This is an important time for Bikram Yoga teachers. The 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises, taught by Dialogue, are a remarkable tool for healing and personal improvement. We – teachers – are the link between this tool and the students who need it. During class we are the least important person in the room, but we have an enormous role to play in our students’ lives. If you want to fulfill your potential in that role, I can’t recommend highly enough that you spend some time with Teri, in person, online, whatever, just let her help you be the best teacher you can be."

-Richard L.  Sydney, Australia TT Fall 2013


"Teri your seminar was exactly what I needed and more. I am very grateful for the seeds you planted and the tools to help them grow. Your knowledge and understanding of the human body was extremely helpful when teaching us how each postures works and their benefits. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, your tools, it flowed out of you with passion and love. I am forever grateful." 

-Brigid C. Florida, USA TT Spring 2013


"I think the biggest improvement was my confidence. I really felt like I had such better understanding of the postures and how they work and how to correct people. For example, the big muscular guy was scared to do toe stand. So I asked him if on the left side, if he would just try to go down. And I had the confidence to walk him through step by step how to go down. Before I would have just let him hang out in tree pose. I hope that I can continue learning and understand where the pressure goes in the body and how to use leverage to create more depth through alignment. Thank you for all your great knowledge that you shared with us this past week!!! ‪#‎teachfromlove‬ BIG KISS AND HUG FROM MIAMI"

-Madison L. Florida, USA TT Spring 2013


"First, let me say thank you for committing your time and passion by piecing together an ideal environment for furthering education that all Certified Bikram Teachers are searching for.  Your Teach From Love Seminar was a great success! The Location, food, organisation, your studio and students, and personnel connection with all of us individually was very comforting.

The amount of knowledge I received was invaluable as a full time teacher just 1 year out of Training. What resonated with me most though was the explanation and understanding of the dialogue posture by posture, why it has been written the way that it is, and if used as originally intended by Bikram, how effective it can be for everybody regardless of the standard of a students practice. My confidence in delivering the instructions in class with corrections has improved dramatically, as I now understand what I am saying and most importantly why.

I look forward to the next seminar – Thank you Teri" 

-Darren S. Australia TT Spring 2014


En Español:

"Tuve la oportunidad de asistir al seminario este enero y me encanto iba sin expectativas lo cual a mi punto de vista es mejor te dejas sorprender realmente fue una experiencia súper enriquecedora entendí mucho mejor el diálogo y pude ver cómo todas las posturas juntas realmente sanan el cuerpo lo único que necesitas es constancia y los resultados que obtienes son sorprendentes tuve la oportunidad de escuchar personalmente historias de las hermosas personas que asisten al estudio de Teri  ver como sus vidas han cambiado después de Bikram y sobre todo la entrega que Teri y steven tienen por investigar aprender más cómo se apoyan de médicos ect para comprender cómo funciona el cuerpo como cada postura te entrega su magia no solo por que el diálogo lo dice realmente investigar cómo funciona y todo respaldado tanto por investigaciones como por el DIALOGO lo  único que desean es compartirlo aquí en tenga las ganas de vivir el seminario y lo mejor es que tampoco te forzan a creer en lo que te comparten al final tu decides con que te quedas y con que no te ayudan a profundizar en tu práctica a disfrutarla siempre a sanarte con ella a practicar sin lastimarte 

Aunq te mantienes ocupado todo el día Tienes tiempo también de relajarte un poco y salir a conocer la comida es deliciosa y es genial que tienen opción vegana en el buffet 

Cómo maestro es una oportunidad que sería genial que pudieras darte te ayuda a crecer a comprender mejor a sentir a tus alumnos y tener más herramientas para poder guiarlos con amor 

El previo es bastante accesible es una excelente inversión para tu crecimiento 

Todo me gusto muchísimo las correcciones la clase privada increíble, semur  

Además todos son muy amables siempre pendientes que entendamos todos todo personalmente fue una experiencia muy agradable enriquecedora te enamoras aún más de esta hermosa profesión"

-Angie B. D. Mexico TT 2015

Teach From Love is located in Haverhill, Massachusetts in the USA.  Feel free to contact us by email

TeachFromLove.Yoga is dedicated to the education and growth of bikram method yoga teachers.
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