Webinars are the perfect way for Bikram teachers from all over the world to learn and grow. Especially useful for those who are unable to come for mentoring or to attend a seminar or workshop—now webinars will come to you in the comfort of your own home, one topic at a time. Please note: Our live webinars are for teachers only; however, anyone can enjoy the recordings of our previous webinars.
Recordings of our previous webinars are available at:

Next Live Webinar: Friday, December 20th, 2024 @ 2PM ET
Topic: Q&A
This will be a general Q&A webinar so please try to attend live (rather than watching the recording later). We look forward to the conversation!
No registration required—at the time of the webinar simply join this link:
(That's Zoom room: 935 683 9642 and the pw is 5683.)
If you're not sure when 2pm US Eastern is in your time zone, just google: "2pm in Boston."
Remaining Webinar Dates in 2024:
November 15th
December 20th
Questions about the webinars? See the Webinars FAQ

Please join our email list to be informed about future webinars.
Questions? Email Steven@TeachFromLove.Yoga